Freddy McInerney enters his third year in the prestigious position as Chairperson of CLG Cora Chaitlín following Sunday’s AGM.
“My job is to facilitate everyone to do their job” he stated in his address. His first area of focus was the work being done in the primary schools complimenting all teachers and Liam Clancy who he credits with having a large part to play in the high numbers at underage level.
Regarding Field Development “a lot of work is being done behind the scenes”, “we are very reliant on what we have”, he stated and praised the positive work of Damian Hogan and his committee.
Freddy spoke of his pride at the ladies teams in the club remaining very consistent and remarked on the “buzz of the community initiatives” spearheaded by Diarmuid O’Leary that ran during 2017.
With a list of club sponsors on display at the meeting, he encouraged those in attendance to support them in any way they can. He applauded those who sell the Lotto each week, the committee behind it, all Executive members and outgoing PRO Páraic McMahon whose work resulted in the Chair receiving praise from other clubs.
McInerney highlighted that “the social aspect of the club is very important” before going on to thank all families of Executive members, officers and players whose patience is key to the running of the club. Looking forward he stated that a more professional approach is needed by the club for hosting games and they will continue to apply for money to better current facilities.