The Ladies Football Executive has decided that this years’ AGM will be held as a Zoom meeting on
Friday, 26th November at 8pm.
Below you will find the nomination forms link for officers for 2022, showing the outgoing officers and the motions form link.
I would like you to send the nomination form with the people you would like to nominate for the next term and the motions form with motions you would like to bring up for discussion at the AGM back to our chairman via email below, latest by noon Thursday, 24th November.
We will then compile the information received back and send it out before the meeting.
If you would like to join the Zoom meeting I would also like to ask you to let the secretary know by registering your interest to attend by clicking here You must be a full paid member to attend the AGM.
I am looking forward to seeing you all next week on Friday evening
Mike Darcy
Chairperson Newmarket on Fergus, Ladies Football Club