NOFGAA GSuite Account


This page will help you get your new email address setup. This new email address provides you with a new mailbox and will be called Only you will have access to this mailbox!

An email has been automatically sent to your private email address with the link that will ask you to set your own password. This is your password so please do not share with anyone.

Why do you need this?
The Club has been provided full access to the Google Gsuite Business solution. This solution can provide tools to help us meet and share date more easily. The new email addresses allow our club to share data and attend meetings securely while being in a remote location. You can read about it here More importantly it allows us to have “Secure” meetings where we manage who can attend.

How to get ready?

  1. Check your private email account for your new invitation. If you already have a email address then you can ignore this step.
    • Once set-up, send yourself a test email from your personal account
  2. Get ready to join the meeting
    • You will receive an email invite to your new email address
      • You can use your PC/Laptop or Your Phone
      • Do I need an APP? Yes if you wish to use your phone
        • IPHONE –
        • Android –
    • Click on the invite and use your new email address and password to enter the meeting.

The Meeting itself

We will use Google Meet which can you read all about here

Google meet will allow us to connect together via

  1. Audio over the Internet or You can dial into the Dublin number provided if your internet connection is not the best!
  2. Video – This is optional if you wish to add a more real experience for all attending.
  3. Presentation – The presenter can share information on screen for others to view.
    • As an attendee, you should determine if a Laptop/PC would be a better suit so you can view material on-screen easier as this doesn’t suit mobile devices.


Contact Ken Tucker