U11 update on progress

Newmarket GAA underage hurling decided to enter the U11 A hurling champion for 2017 to help build for 2018 when most of this group will be playing U12.

This group of players have put in a great effort again this year and have been training twice a week since January.

19 players are also involved in the U10 panel and were up against clubs made up of mostly 11 year old players.

We had 30 players in the group and each week were well able to field 2 teams.

This was a great experience for these players against strong clubs at this level.

Newmarket enjoyed good wins over Eire Óg , Sixmilebride, Clooney Quin and lost out to Doora Barefield and Inagh Kilnamona.

This is a great step forward in these hurling players development for the future.

Big thanks and well done to all players involved and the great support from the parent every week.

This group will continue to train till end of the year and also have a couple of more U11 game in the next few weeks. Keep up the great work and effort lads!

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