Liddy Assumes Position Of PRO

At the December meeting of the CLG Cora Chaitlín Executive, Colm Liddy was ratified as the club’s new Public Relations Officer.

A published author, Colm has a unique style of writing which followers of our social accounts and website will enjoy over the coming weeks and months.

He has been part of the Editorial Committee for two publications of Tradraí, most recently the 2016 edition which is available to purchase in Spar, Halpin’s Service Station, Reale’s Butchers, Crowe’s Gala at the Ministers Cross, O’Neills Bar, The Sports Bar or by contacting any member of the Executive or Editorial Committee. Over the past number of years, Colm has been involved in management with various underage hurling teams.

There is a high volume of work associated with being a Public Relations Officer these days and if you would like to assist in any capacity, contact us via Facebook or Twitter.

Liddy succeeds Paudie McMahon who stepped down on the back of a three year term at our 2017 AGM.

It was important to swiftly fill this vacancy and we now wish Colm the very best of luck.

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