U21s v Sixmilebridge Match Report.

Newmarket on Fergus 1:10 Sixmilebridge 1:18

While defeat is always a bitter pill to swallow, there are some defeats that deserve credit all the same. Faced with a Sixmilebridge team that had just a bit more speed and hurling, these Newmarket lads fought like dogs, tackling ferociously and being very economical with what scoring chances came their way. With ten minutes to go, we were actually in a position to win, but the levee broke and there was just no way of hanging on.

Although the rain had cleared up and the Clonlara pitch was quite good, nevertheless this was winter hurling with no bounce in the ball. In the first ten minutes, SMB scored two points before Colin Guilfoyle struck a free from fifty yards out. Dropping in the square, there was a scramble before Fergal McInerney ground-stroked to the net. SMB then scored two points from play before a pointed free from Colin levelled matters once more.

SMB were dominant but two goal chances went a begging. The first narrowly wide, the second controlled and cleared by Liam O’Connor. It was fielded by Colin who soloed toward goal before being hauled down. He pointed the free but SMB #10 (who scored 5 from play) cancelled this out a minute later. On the restart SMB were through on goal again but Jack O’Connor made a fine save. David McNamara got on the end of a well worked move to nudge us in front. SMB #13 tore through the middle again and as his management bellowed to take the point, he went for goal, top corner. Jack made an astounding save. SMB #10 scored another point and the half ended level. Nof 1:3 to SMB 0.6

We started the second half very well with three points from play, David McNamara, Conor McCarthy, and an especially fast wristed effort from Greg Collins. SMB replied however with white flags from #11, 10 and an increasingly influential #8. Another SMB goal chance clattered the post before Cathal Hayes pointed us in front once more. Substitution: James McMahon for Cathal Finucane.

SMB #10 levelled with a point and then they put another good goal chance wide. Substitution; James Power for Conor McCarthy. SMB now reeled off four points before Colin replied from a long range free. SMB knocked over another before Colin scored another free. The margin was now three and Newmarket had a shot on goal. The angle was narrow however and SMB goalie stood up to knock it out for a 65. Which Colin converted. Two points in it. Substitution: Shane Lynch for Eoin Guilfoyle.  From there to the finish however, SMB scored three points and a good goal from substitute #17 to extinguish any remaining hope of a comeback.

The U21 campaign is now over but members of our U21 panel will feature later this year for all three adult teams, Senior, Intermediate and Junior. There are also many who will play in the Minor Championship. Best of luck to you all, lads. When you give it everything you have, you can hold your head up.

Nof Team: Jack O’Connor, Darragh Burke, Jordan Collins, PJ Enright, Conor McCarthy, Liam O’Connor, Pa Duggan, Eoin Guilfoyle, Cathal Finucane, Colin Guilfoyle, Cathal Hayes, Greg Collins, Jack O’Connor, Fergal McInerney, David McNamara

Nof Scorers: Colin Guilfoyle (0.5 (4f, 1,65) Fergal McInerney (1.0) David McNamara (0.2) Greg Collins (0.1) Conor McCarthy (0.1) Cathal Hayes (0.1)


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