The 2018 Newmarket on Fergus camogie AGM took place Friday 16th in the clubhouse. Club chairperson, Aileen Kilmartin welcomed and thanked all those who took time out of their evening to come and support the club. Overall, she felt we had a successful year, especially with the U13’s winning a county final and our seniors contesting the county final again this year. She also thanked all the executive for all the work that goes on behind the scenes that most would not be aware of.

After it was announced that  Marie-Louise Kaiser would not be seeking re-election as Development officer, Veronica McMahon presented a shocked Marie-Louise with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and Aileen thanked her for everything that she has done for Newmarket camogie down throughout the years.

The meeting continued with last years minutes being read out and if there were any matters arising, to which there was none. Next up were the reports from the various executive committee.

Anne Clancy , Treasurer, gave her report of the club finances throughout the year. Advising of the various fundraising events undertaken throughout the year and what expenses were incurred.

Pauline O’Flanagan, Secretary, gave a summary of all the teams achievements during the year, from U8’s to Seniors. She also advised of what players from the club represented Clare Camogie this year. She detailed the clubs fundraising efforts and what club development/training initiatives were done during the year.

Lorraine Moroney, PRO, gave her report on her 1st year in the job. She advised it was a challenging but rewarding year and she hoped to continue to help increase awareness about the club and to promote the great achievements both on and off the pitch of each of our members by way of regular updates on the social media platforms and local media. This year she would also like to encourage more parents if they have access to a good camera to take photos and send them onto her via Facebook or Twitter.

Mary Glesson, Child Welfare Officer, advised us all of the importance of all mentors and coaches completing the necessary child welfare courses and that there were no major instances to report. Overall, we are a compliant in child welfare certification.

Martin Kaiser, Registrar, advised that overall there was an increase in members this year and he gave the various breakdowns.

Next up the team reports were read out by Pauline and Aileen. All mentors sent in great reports, summaries of their year in tenure, all of which were mostly positive, and some provided food for thought for the coming year.

The elections of Officers took place and all current officers apart from Marie-Louise, were re-elected for 2019.

Motions and recommendations to be brought forward to the Newmarket on Fergus AGM and to the Clare AGM were up next. An in dept discussion took place on the motions to be brought before the county board.

Future competitions and entries were discussed at length, with some decisions yet to be finalised.

The senior management team nomination was ratified and we welcome Cathal Kilmartin back as our senior manager for 2019. Cathal has a clear passion and vision for our seniors and we wish him every success for the 2019.

In any other business, Aileen spoke of how proud she and the club were of, Kaci Toomey, Amy Madden, Lisa O’Neill, Kate Clancy, Ellen Casey and their mentors Catriona McMahon and Darren Hayes for their involvement in the and Liberty Insurance competition which was held during half-time of the All-Ireland Camogie Finals in September. Kaci’s video was hugely inspiring, and all the girls brought a great sense of pride and huge excitement around the club. Their efforts were duly rewarded with a cheque for €3,000 for the club, for which the club are extremely grateful.

It was also duly noted that many people were to be thanked for their support during the year, some being Freddy McInerney, Newmarket-on-Fergus GAA Chairperson, for his constant support of the camogie club, Kenneth Arthur for making the pitch available for matches, David McCormack, Clonmoney school and Diarmuid McMahon, Stonehall school for their continued support by allowing training to take place on the schools astro-turf facilities. To all the mentors and coaches who give up their time to help enable the club to function and be the success it is today.

To this end, Aileen reiterated her thanks to everyone for coming, her hope for a successful 2019 and concluded the meeting.

Cora-Caitlin Abu!

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