The Benefits of Club Lotto

What happens to your generous participation in Club Lotto?

The Day to Day expenses in keeping a GAA club running are many and it is only by your generous response to our fundraising that we can keep the wheels turning. Our large expense costs for large items like Registration, Insurance and Field Maintenance down to buying a new light bulb, there are always far more bills than can be covered by membership fees. 
That’s where the Club Lotto is so vital to our survival. By playing each week, you can make sure we continue to do all we do. Which is to provide a space to play a brilliant game, for 100’s of women, men, girls and boys of this community. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll pick exactly the right four numbers and win big whilst ensuring the club can keep operating for our community.

Monday July 6th at 9.00pm

Tickets now on sale

@ Euro Spar, Vardens Pharmacy, Newmarket Family Butchers and from local sellers.
Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, lotto tickets can only be sold from a limited number of sources. We would ask our valued supporters to consider purchasing online.
You will have 5 chances to win €40 in the event the jackpot is not won

The lotto draw will be recorded and streamed on social media after the event.
Thank you.
Cathal Conway

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