IT IS WITH TERRIBLE SADNESS that we have learned of the death of Liam Danagher, one of our finest ever hurlers, and what is more, a really likeable man. Known to many as ‘Cass’, he was given the nickname in his youth by someone who thought he was The Greatest, just like Cassius Clay. And oh how he lived up to it! Though slight of build, he was an incredibly skilful stickman, he could flick and volley without ever having to catch. Add in his speed and stamina and you had a perfect midfielder, both architect and engine for our 1960s three-in-a-row teams. Cass was an end to end scorer, provider and defender not only for Newmarket but also Clare, Munster and even New York. County titles, Clare Cups, Munster club titles, he won them all and on the day widely regarded as Newmarket’s most complete ever performance, the 1969 county final replay, he was Man of the Match. For that perfect hour, Liam Danagher walked on water. Our deepest sympathies to his family and friends.