Farm Supplies

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Business Website Address
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021 4911 611
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Business Website Address
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063 35000
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Business Website Address
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0505 21477
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Short Business Description
Roche's feeds, Limerick, is one of the last family owned feed mills in the country.
Long Business Description

We manufacture a full range of products which cater for Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Pig and Poultry. A lot of these products are tailor-made by our in house Nutritionist. The Nutritionist deals directly with clients and custom designs feed programmes so that the animals can reach optimum performance. this action alone creates customer loyalty and more importantly ensures the customer receives what they have ordered. We guarantee our clients "what they order is what they get".

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
+353 (0)61 308111
Business Fax
+353 (0)61 308211
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