In the world of the GAA everyone has an opinion.
Sometimes those can be good or bad but if you have views that can help the club then we need to hear them. Regardless of if these are positive or negative, they can benefit the club by bringing them to the floor at any of our upcoming Annual General Meetings.
Remember an AGM is the best platform to raise your views about our club, not on social media, around cups of tea or on a barstool.
On Saturday November 11 the Camogie AGM takes place at 7pm while on November 26 it’s the hurling equivalent at 5pm.
As ever there will be some departing officers and new personnel are needed to fill the voids. Basic requirements for those considering getting involved are; to have membership paid by March 31st of this year, to be present at the AGM, to receive two nominations by Nov 12 (applicable to hurling only) and also to have new ideas.
Motion and nomination forms for the Hurling AGM must be returned to Concepta O’Connor by November 12th. If nominating someone for a position you must have their approval.
In hurling and camogie our club needs individuals capable of giving us a new lift and pushing us back in the right direction. If you feel you have something to offer, do come forward for the good of the club.